Saturday, September 17, 2011

social networking

In this post we draw attention to social networking sites, such as Facebook. This topic is addressed at the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 'Advice by topic' site. Reference was made to this advice in the September 2011 issue of the Victorian health department's Maternity and Newborn Clinical Network Newsletter. From the UK NMC:

This advice addresses specific issues around social networking sites such as Facebook, but its principles can be applied to all kinds of online communication, including personal websites and blogs, discussion boards, email groups and instant messaging. It also covers all kinds of content shared online, including text, photographs, images, video and audio files.
PS: See also, Caroline Hastie's thinkbirth blog on social media and professional black humor, which draws our attention to the writings of Anne Marie Cunningham , a GP and Clinical Lecturer in Cardiff University, Wales, UK, who is interested in the use of new technologies to further medical education.

1 comment:

Thinkbirth said...

Thanks for profiling this important topic for our members. I hope everyone takes the time to read the various items in this as they help us think about professional ethics from all dimensions; make a strong case for developing a deep reflexivity and proceed with wisdom and caution using social media.
Having said all that, social media is fabulous for sharing information and enabling us to promote health and women centred care, address injustices while supporting the growth and development of midwifery across the world. Just brilliant really!