Monday, February 14, 2011


Blog readers are invited to download INFOSHEETS, in preparation for their review.

The current set of INFOSHEETS were a project of Maternity Coaliton, to present reliable consumer information on key maternity topics. The INFOSHEETS project was led by midwife Joy Johnston (the editor of this blog and several others).

The INFOSHEETS series are designed to assist women to question and communicate with their care-givers, and make informed decisions about their maternity care, promoting care that is appropriate for the individual woman.

The current INFOSHEET topics are:

Preparing Your Birth Plan
Your birth plan … is a personal statement of issues that are important to you. This INFOSHEET is intended to assist you in preparing a birth plan, and is particularly focused on protecting natural, physiological processes in labour, birth, and the early postnatal period.

“Who Cares?” Choosing a Model of Care
The model of care that you choose in pregnancy may have an impact on the options and choices that are subsequently available to you during childbirth.

Baby's Transition
“Birth is a time of enormous change for a baby. The transition from life inside the mother’s womb, to life in this world, requires many important natural or physiological changes to take place.”

Baby's First Feed
“A healthy newborn baby who is kept in skin to skin contact with the mother from birth will begin to seek her breast, usually within minutes of birth.”

The Third Stage of Labour
The third stage is a pivotal time for the health and wellbeing of mother and baby, and the beginning of their life-long relationship.

Labour in Water
How you will manage pain is a decision that you need to consider in planning for spontaneous, unmedicated birth. Deep water immersion is a valuable, non-medical, drug free ‘comfort measure’ for women in labour.

Bearing Down or Directed Pushing?
Whether to follow the instinctive urge of bearing down, or to have another person direct the pushing efforts, is a decision that each mother needs to consider in planning for spontaneous birth.

A Healthy Pelvic Floor After Childbirth
“… many women experience injury at the time of birth which may lead to leaking of urine or faeces (incontinence), sagging organs (prolapse), and related problems with sexual intercourse, and with their feelings of self worth.”

Pre-Labour Rupture of Membranes
For a small number of women, the membranes rupture (water breaks) prior to the onset of labour. The medical term for this is Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes (PROM).

Induction of labour
Understanding what induction is, and why it may be an important and even life-saving intervention for some women, will help you to make informed decisions.

Births After Caesarean
If you have already had a caesarean birth, and plan to have more pregnancies, an important decision for you to make will be whether you should plan vaginal or surgical birth. Here are some facts for you to consider in making an informed decision.

Breech Birth
At term, 3-4% of babies will be presenting in the breech position. … Whether to plan for natural vaginal breech birth, or a medically managed (either vaginal or caesarean) birth, is an important decision.

Please leave COMMENT if you wish to have any of these topics discussed at this blog.

1 comment:

Lisa Bodywise Birth said...

Hi Joy,
I have read through all info sheets and think they are a wonderful idea. I wonder whether some of the language and terminology used may be prohibitive to low literacy/low socio economic groups and will they be available in other languages down the track?